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Ukrainians are provided with housing half as much as Europeans

Ukrainians are provided with housing half as much as Europeans
The Second Mortgage Forum was recently held in Kyiv, and the President of the Confederation of Developers of Ukraine Lev Partskhaladze published up-to-date data on the state of Ukraine’s housing stock there. According to him, one person in our country has 24 sq.m of living space. For comparison, the amount of housing per capita is 40 sq.m in well-developed European countries and 70 sq. m. in Canada and the United States. Even in such a densely populated country as China, this figure is 27 sq.m, which is also more than ours. But the quality of housing in Ukraine and in European countries is not comparable. 80% of houses in our state are considered morally and technically obsolete. Most of the buildings of the old housing stock have already lost their operational characteristics and need major repairs. There are old houses, the condition of which is life-threatening. Only 20% of Ukraine’s housing stock consists of new buildings. Experts estimate that to reach the European indicator of housing per capita, Ukrainian developers need to develop the apartments with a total area of at least 2 billion sq.m. Given the current pace of construction, it is possible to perform this amount of work only after 200 years. Experts see a way out of the situation in mortgage lending and facilitating the development of the construction industry. To catch up with the European figure, Ukrainians are encouraged to move to new buildings with larger areas. The bigger the family, the bigger the apartment should be. There should be enough living space for every member of the family, including children. The modern construction company blago developer approaches planning and zoning of all residential complexes responsibly. The developer offers apartments of different sizes, choosing the appropriate option for each client. And new housing is available to everyone as well. The company individually selects the terms of payment with maximum savings for the buyer. You can get a consultation by phone: 097 0714 000 Sales departments in Ivano-Frankivsk: 35 Konovaltsia str. 21 Sichovykh Striltsiv str. 8 Market Square.

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